Mental #04 Mental, the ManifestoContinuing with my second release Mental is the closure of my EP, even though I haven’t been releasing the tracks in the order of my…May 1, 2022May 1, 2022
Mental #03 “Voice in the Machine”, on Illusions.Rest your head for a moment and I will take you on a fantasy-like escape from reality.Mar 31, 2022Mar 31, 2022
Music-making, my interlude.Interlude {Google}= an intervening period of time, a breathing space between passages.Jan 22, 2022Jan 22, 2022
The Inner Artist Journey30-days to embrace your inner Artist and start a beautiful creative journey.Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
The Snowy White & the Breathless TribeA story of Cold. Mountains. Snow. Rain. Wind. Flow. Breath. Tribe. Connection. LOVE.Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
#Exploring Vanuatu — The Coconut Tribe storyThe heat was intense, and I was wearing more fabric on my body than I normally would due to the island’s religious customs. Little did I…May 7, 2020May 7, 2020
An Experimental GAP yearA little bit of chaos, madness and Wonderland in finding purpose and changing careers.Sep 18, 2019Sep 18, 2019